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Auto Route Preparation


Two of the major causes of auto accidents are distracted driving and congested driving.  To better assist you in proper preparation for your route, we have provided these two resources which will help you to plan the best route to take, based off:


1.  Traffic history in your area

2.  Current 'real time' traffic in your area

Predict Traffic SoCal, San Diego and Hayward


This site will help you to understand the flow of traffic in YOUR business area.  You can access the historical traffic patterns in those areas and see when is the best time to be on the freeways and when to avoid them.



Waze Live Traffic Feed 


Traffic is more than just red lines on the map.

Get alerted in real time before you approach police, accidents, road hazards or traffic jams, all shared by other drivers in real-time. It's like a personal heads-up from a few million of your friends on the road.


Get the best route, every day, with real–time help from other drivers.

Waze is the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app. Join other drivers in your area who share real-time traffic and road info, saving everyone time and gas money on their daily commute.

For the absolute worst days and times to drive on the freeways, click the three buttons.

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